“The Laziest Tailor in Leeds” has been at it again folks.

Last week I hung my tape-measure over my dummy and left the showroom for a week’s holiday in Portugal.

In truth, I do put the hours in, and whilst bespoke tailoring and running my own business is something I love, six day weeks, tight deadlines, and the energy required to keep driving things forward all take their toll.

I wouldn’t change things for the world. I believe you get out of life what you put into it.

Hard work provides me with the means to put bread (and perhaps a bottle of red) on the Michelsberg Table and more importantly to be able to live La Dolce Vita from time to time.

I’m sure many of my customers would agree. After all, it’s their hard graft and the success that goes with it that enables them the self-indulgent treat of commissioning a bespoke suit.

I’m not going to bore you with the details of my break as I’m guessing you read my blog to get a monthly dose of unadulterated suit-porn. Not my chosen brand of sun-cream.

That said, as the proud father of two little ladies, please let me leave you with this picture of family Michelsberg.

We’re waiting to be shown to our table at ‘As Dunas’ restaurant overlooking the sea. On the menu is grilled Dorade and garlic potatoes smothered in butter, washed down with an ice cold bottle of Defesa white wine.

Next month I’ll redeem myself and it will be threads all the way.
